For about 3 weeks now, I have been writing a blog post about how the timeline in the Mamma Mia movies doesn't make sense. This meant that for about 20 days, there was a partly finished post available for your viewing pleasure.

Is this a bad thing? Not necessarily; but it does mean that people have been reading posts with bits missing.

Would you go see a movie if it just stopped halfway through just because the release date was earlier than advertised? Of course you wouldn't. Would you see a movie that had a massive chunk missing from the middle (I tend not to write posts in a logical order. Skip to the bottom of the post linked above to see why)? Of course not.

Who's this weird asthmatic guy claiming to be the main character's father? And what on earth is he wearing?

So from now on, all unfinished posts will show UNCOOKED in the title. If you still want to read them, that's your business. But I recommend that you wait instead. Plus, if you go in early, you might get there before I've had a chance to insert my trademarks and Easter Eggs, which are probably the reason you come anyway.


Why not just save the posts as drafts?
1. Laziness.
2. I'm not sure how. I don't understand the new interface.

When are we going to see your podcast?
1. I think you mean hear, not see.
2. Laziness.

Who are you and how did I end up here?
You took a wrong turn in the rabbit warren we call the Interwebs. Find out more

What Easter Eggs?
That's for me to know and you to figure out.

When's your next post coming out?
Read my metatags.

How have you not won the Nobel Prize for Literature?
Your guess is as good as mine.

Are you self deprecatory or overconfident? Pick one!


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