Christmas Quiz 2024

It's November, which means it’s the perfect time of year to start thinking about Christmas Quizzes (For you; I’ve been thinking about them since February). That’s right, it’s signup time once again for the annual Christmas movie quiz!

This year, the theme (chosen by last year’s winner Raring to Snow) is:

When you signup, include your guess for what this means. 20 points available if you get it right!

Think you can figure out which movie goes with which clue? Sign up using the following instructions:

1.      Send an email to, saying you want to join the quiz.

2.       Include a team name (you can also play as an individual, but you will still need to give a team name). Your team name must adhere to the following rules:

a.       Maximum four words long

                  b.       No offensive language

c.       Do not include any real names or other personal information

One word of advice - If you come up with a brilliant team name, submit it as soon as possible. Last year I had to turn down one team name because it was already taken!

Can't think of a suitable name? Check out this link.

3.Every weekday in December you will be emailed a clue that corresponds to a Christmas movie. You will then have until midnight GMT that day to email your answer, and the quicker you respond with a correct answer, the more points you will score. The individual/team with the most points at the end of the quiz wins the prize of deciding next year’s theme.

Advance applications close at midnight GMT on 30 November, and a bonus clue will be given to anyone who signs up before then, so don’t delay!

This year due to popular demand new teams will be able to start partway through the quiz, although they will obviously have a disadvantage so I advise you sign up as soon as possible!


I have also designed an in-person Christmas quiz (not just movies!) for you to do with your friends, designed to last about 1 ½ hours + a midway break of your decided length. If you would like a copy of this quiz, please send an email to and I will send you a copy.  

UPDATE: Thanks to The Eastside Avengers who notified me that the picture above was named after the theme. I've now fixed it so it's harder to guess. It is possible though, and two teams have done so.


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