About Me and my blog

If you're new to this blog, you probably want to learn a bit more about me. So here's some basic info about me:

I am a wheelchair user, hence the title of this blog
I am a Christian and regular churchgoer
I enjoy movies
I enjoy musicals
I live in the UK with my Mum, Dad and brother
I work in IT
I occasionally dabble in programming and I have made 3 Twitter bots (they can be found at @whoinvented01, @PhilosophyBot4 and @ceaseanddecease)

But you're not here to learn about me, you want to know more about what you can expect from this blog!

As the title suggests, I will be posting about my life in a wheelchair, and how that affects my daily life

I sometimes have medical procedures take place on me, so I might write about those occasionally. I will try to limit those posts though; because they're not particularly interesting or funny

I love movies, and I will be posting reviews of the new movies I see in the cinema
I'm also willing to do reviews of older movies, and if there's a movie you particularly want me to review, please post it in the comments of my most recent post

I will occasionally review tv shows, sometimes whole series, or sometimes individual episodes. Again, if you want me to watch a particular series or a particular episode of a show I haven't yet reviewed, comment on my most recent post. Just don't ask me to review Game of Thrones, because I've got an idea for a future post called GoT described by someone who's never watched it. Yes, BuzzFeed already did it, but guess what? I'm doing it AGAIN. There's no such thing as originality.

When I watch plays or musicals, I will review them too.

Of course, all of my posts will have my signature filter on to make them more interesting and funny. According to some of my friends, I can make even the most mundane event funny and interesting. You can decide for yourself whether or not that's a good thing.

I hope you'll stick around to enjoy my posts, and I appreciate any feedback you have, good or bad.


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