Quiz rules


As most of you guessed, the theme this year is pictorial clues:

A picture of an ice pick, the Conservative party logo and Al Gore
(Ice PICK - TORY party - AL Gore)

Some clues are easier than that; some are harder. The clues with people in are generally people you should have heard of, although the person in Clue 16 (23 December) is particularly hard.

So here's the rules:

1. A pictorial clue similar to the one above, but denoting the name of a Christmas movie, will be sent out via email at 11:00 every weekday (Monday-Friday) up to and including Christmas Eve. 

2. You have until midnight that day to send me the correct answer.

3. Every correct answer will receive a number of points which will decrease by ten points every time (so the first correct team will receive 150 points, the second 140 and so on). Be careful though; people have been known to be very fast in figuring out the clues in past years, as the below image demonstrates:

In fairness, Die Hard was pretty easy last year

4. The overall scores will be on a leader board on this blog updated daily.

5. The winner will be announced on January 1st 2025. They will receive the prize of deciding next year's theme.

Struggling with a particular clue? Click here for some tips.

Please enjoy the quiz!

Oh, and one more thing. Below is another clue, made even harder than regular pictorial clues because there's an extra layer of clue theme (the only thing I'm telling you about this theme is that it has appeared in a previous year). It's currently worth 350 points to anyone who gets it (point value does not decrease if someone has already answered correctly). Every week I will add another clue to make it slightly easier, and possibly adjust the point value.

image of Captain Jack Sparrow the PIRATE, LURCH from the Addams Family, a ship's MAST, a POSTbox and some CHEMistry equipment
Clue 1 - He's got a jar of dirt...

image of Mr Chips from CATCHPHRASE, a LIMOusine, and a pair of TRUMPETS
Clue 2 - Say what you see...

image of The Ritz HOTEL, a PHARMACIST, and a diagram of the light SPECTRUM
Clue 3 - Go Where Fashion Sits...

image of a LETTUCE, two MORPHS, a CHAIR, and a STAMP

Clue 4 - It's a lettuce; not a cabbage

If you figure it out, email xmasmoviequiz@gmail.com with the subject Bonus Clue and your guess.
