An Announcement...

No, A Midsummer Night's Dream from the Bridge Theatre isn't up yet. That's tonight. Again, I cannot recommend seeing that show enough.

Link to my blog on the subject, including full set of links to clips, trailers and more

This is a very different announcement, and it concerns the future of my blog.

This blog is 614 words long and is just fluff, so if you want to find out about the important news, skip straight to Part Two.

I mentioned in my last blog that I have a secret project that I'm working on. Storytime!

Hopefully, some of you noticed that this Sunday (just gone, 21 June) was Father's Day. Naturally, being me, I left it to the last minute to get a gift, but my Mum pointed out that he needed a proper microphone, because he's been recording some worship songs for the church. We'd even heard him talking on the phone about it with his brother, my uncle, who is a professional sound engineer.

She also noticed one on Amazon for a decent price with good reviews.

I sent the link to a friend of mine who knows about this stuff, and he said although he hadn't heard of the brand (Red Flag), it looked pretty decent and although he had worries about adjusting the gain (technical term; I won't bother explaining it because he's the only friend I have who actually reads this blog and he'd only tell me I'd got it wrong), it still looked pretty decent (Green Flag) and would definitely be better than his MacBook.

So I bought it.

The next part of this story is the funny bit, but it comes in two parts:

Part the First

Because we're still in lockdown, all our post is being quarantined for three days before we can use it. This means that all post, including Amazon packages, has to be opened by Dad in advance. Therefore, the following interaction happened:

Dad: Oh you've bought a microphone! Is that for work, so they can hear you better?

Me: [inwardly panics] Um... Yeah.

Every time I do these, it becomes less funny when written down.

Part the Second

You may have noticed earlier in the blog that I mentioned my dad talking on the phone with his sound engineer brother. See if you can guess the next bit before I tell you.

Did you get it? Because we did. Through the post. In a box.

ANOTHER microphone. This one was even a brand my friend had heard of (I assume; I haven't actually asked him, but I know it's a well-known brand).

Now, it wasn't actually Fathers' Day yet, so I hadn't actually given him my microphone (it wasn't even out of quarantine by this point), so my uncle won the gift-giving on both counts (first and higher quality).

I appreciate you won't know much about my family because I don't talk about them for anonymity's sake, but you've probably worked out for yourself that my dad is not my uncle's father, so he had no excuse to get him a Fathers' Day gift.

SIDE NOTE: Where does the apostrophe go in Fathers Day? Before the S? After the S? Not at all?

So when my dad called my uncle and asked him about it, he said "Oh, you can call it an early birthday present." My dad's birthday is in November.

So what does this mean?

Simple. Ya Boi has acquired a new microphone. Therefore, I'm doing what any sane person would do and I'm starting a podcast.

NEVER say 'Ya Boi' again - Ed.

And this affects the blog how?

You'll have to read Part Two to find out...


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