Christmas Quiz 2024 Tips

Struggling with a particular clue? Here's some tips:

1. Is there a person in one of the pictures you don't recognise? Ask around, ask your friends, your family, your co-workers. Most of them are reasonably well known celebrities, so chances are someone will know.

2. I am unlikely to include words such as and, the, a, of etc, so don't bother looking for those as part of the clue.

3. Most of the pictures used will be the first one on Google, so if you think you recognise it/them, look up what you think it is and see if that picture is the word which shows up. For example, the picture I used of Al Gore in the Guess The Theme picture is just the main picture on his Wikipedia page.

4. With that said, there are some words which appear multiple times. The word Christmas appears in 6 of the answers, but I have used a different picture for each.

5. If you think you know part (or multiple parts) of the clue, but not the whole clue, use what you have and try to fit in the rest, for example:

(Someone I don't recognise), Yvette Cooper, Cup of Tea

The clue might mean the cup, but it's more likely to be the tea; if it was the cup, I would have used an empty cup. Therefore, it must be ___-Yvette-Tea or ___-Cooper-Tea.

You can work out relatively easily that it should be ___ivity*, so you can guess the first part is Nat, and check by Googling Nat (in this case, NAT is a networking term so appears as the first result, but I thought that would be too hard to guess)

*You have no idea how frustrating it is to repeatedly listen to someone trying to figure out the prefix to __cooperty and not being able to help them. 

6. It's easy to get fixated on one part of a clue meaning something, but I could be using that picture to mean something different, so keep an open mind. This year's theme isn't pictorygore, after all.

7. I haven't cheated in any way. Sometimes I'll use an actor who is famous for multiple roles, but the picture I use will only be of the role depicted. For example, if I were to show you the below picture:

I could be using it to represent Pierce; Brosnan; James or Bond, but wouldn't be representing Sam or Carmichael.

Could I have gone for Daniel; Craig; Benoit; Blanc? Of course I could, but I didn't. What does that say about me?

Incidentally, no Pierce Brosnan or Daniel Craig pictures appear in the quiz. 

8. There's no penalty for incorrect answers, so feel free to fire as many answers as you can that seem right.

9. Just because a clue has three pictures, doesn't mean the answer has three words. Words like the, it, etc. may extend it, and repeated pictures may just be a plural word.

10. If you still don't recognise one of the images, use reverse image search to identify it. Is this against the rules? No. Is it against the spirit of the quiz? Maybe. Will I ever know if you don't tell me? No. Not only am I not condemning the use of reverse image search; for clue 16 (23 December), I actively recommend it!


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