2023 Quiz Rules

 Thanks, everyone, for signing up for the quiz!

This year we have more teams than ever before, so competition will be fierce!

To remind you all, the theme is Posters, meaning that I will give a brief description of a Christmas Movie poster and you have to guess which movie the poster refers to. In your signup automated reply, you should have received the following clue, worth 50 points:

A man in a red cardigan looks at the camera in distress. He is surrounded by children dressed as biblical characters.

Most people correctly guessed that this was 2009’s Nativity:

This is the only occasion the actual poster will be included; if you want to check the accuracy of my descriptions for later entries, you will have to Google them yourselves.

I will now reiterate the rules:


At 11:00 GMT every weekday AND Saturday (sorry; I forgot that I also created clues for Saturdays – blame me for writing the quiz in April) until 25 December, the clue will be emailed to you. You then have until Midnight GMT that day to submit your answer. I will then send one of the following replies:

“Congratulations! You score (x) points!”


“Sorry, but that answer is incorrect. Please feel free to try again.”

The number of points available will depend on how many correct answers have been given so far that day. As there are 15 teams, the first correct answer will score 150 points, the second correct answer will score 140 points, the third 130 points, and so on.

If you answer incorrectly, there is no penalty, so if you get it wrong the first time, you can still get points.

Unfortunately, as I work full-time and do not have the tech skills to automate this, you may not receive an immediate reply to your email, sorry!

WARNING: In previous years, I have been known to have at least one correct answer by 11:01, so for maximum points, you will need to be quick!


Every day a new clue will be released, but the answer to the previous day’s clue (or Saturday’s clue on Mondays) will also be included.

If no one gets the correct answer on the day, the answer will not be included in the following day’s email and will instead be included in The Six Days of Christmas (you don’t need to worry about that yet). However, with 13 teams and a total of over 20 individuals playing, it’s almost certain that at least one team will be correct.


As the quiz has already started, I cannot accept any new teams, but if you want me to add someone else to your team, feel free to send me their email address and I will add them.

There is an online scoreboard which will be updated daily, which you can view by clicking this link.


To remind you, there is no proper prize. The prize is the privilege of picking next year’s theme.

If you have any queries, please feel free to email xmasmoviequiz@gmail.com with your questions. Please do not send questions as a reply to a clue to avoid confusion.


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