Happy Christmas!

UPDATE: APPLICATIONS ARE NOW CLOSED. The full quiz will be available by request on January 1 2023

Yes, I know it's November, but as always at this time of year, it's time to launch applications for my annual Christmas Movie Quiz.

(If it's any consolation, I wrote the quiz in April)

As some of you know, this is the part where I usually announce the theme in a subtle way that only makes sense after you've signed up; however, I think that this year it's a bit more overt than usual:


You will be sent a clue to a famous Christmas Movie every weekday in December and all you have to do is reply with the correct movie first.

To sign up, send an email with the subject: SIGNUP to xmasmoviequiz@31steps.co.uk before midday GMT on 30 November 

Note: If you want to know the questions but do not wish to play competitively mention this in your email.

This year I'm condensing the signup instructions somewhat as people have been finding them confusing.

Include in your email a team name. If you have played this quiz before you may use the same team name as a previous year, but you do not have to. There are a couple of rules regarding what your team name can be:

1. No swear words. The team names will be displayed on a scoreboard updated daily which is visible to anyone unless you play non-competitively. 

2. Team names must be four words or less.

3. Team names cannot include any part of your or your team's real name(s)

When you sign up, you will be sent an email explaining everything else you need to know along with a bonus clue to give you a head start.

NAQs (you don’t have to read this bit)

NAQ stands for Never Asked Questions.

Is there a prize?

Yes, the prize is choosing next year’s theme.

Can I play non competitively and not have my score published?

Of course! Just let me know that in your signup email.

Can I use this quiz on my friends?

Yes. Just ask for a copy of the full quiz. I will only be releasing this after the quiz has finished, but if you want a previous year’s quiz let me know.

What is the scoring system?

Unfortunately I can’t confirm that until I know how many teams there are, sorry.


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