Power Down

 This is part of an interactive adventure. To return to the start, click here

"I'll power down again for a while. Maybe that'll help restore my memories."

"OK," Dan says. "Tell you what, I'll try to find a way of giving your brain more processing power while you're asleep."

"Thanks." Dan leans over and blackness prevails. Suddenly the blackness disappears and all you can see is red:

Source: Paint, VFLD, 2023

"What's going on? Dan?" You ask.

"Who said that?" An unfamiliar female voice.

"Me. Behind you. I think."

The red shape twists and you see the woman's face.

"I can't see you. Only this brain in a jar."

"Yeah, about that. Don't freak out, but... I'm the brain."

"Oh, ok. Don't worry, you're not the weirdest thing I've seen tonight."

You don't pursue this. Instead, you ask:

"Sorry, I don't mean to be rude, but who are you exactly. Am I still in the lab?"

"Ah." She turns to look at you and introduces herself. "I'm Frankie. I'm on a date with Chris and he said we should come here for a scientific demonstration." She bends down and whispers:

"I don't think he's been on a date before. He doesn't seem to know how to do this..."

Something occurs to you.

"Did Chris say what experiment he was doing?" You ask.

"Yes, dilation or something like that."

"Ah. A titration?"

"Yes, that was it."

"Don't worry. He knows what he's doing. He won't be ready for a few minutes though, so do you want to chat for a bit? That is if you aren't freaked out by talking to a dead guy."

Frankie moves closer.

"Sure. I don't mind chatting with a dead person. It's not the weirdest thing I've done."

She turns her chair to face you and you notice that she's wearing a necklace with an unusual design:

"So, what did you want to know? I'm an open book." Frankie says.

What do you ask her?

Ask about her necklace

Ask how she met Chris


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