Today is Gonna be a Great Day - The Making of

 So in addition to ignoring all the other projects I've got on at the moment (The Blog; The Podcast; The Interactive Game; The Play; The Sitcom; The Movie), I decided to start a new project: A Lego Stop-motion animated music video. It's going to be a recreation of this video:

Side note: If you're a fan of Phineas and Ferb and/or musicals in general, check out Musical Without a Cool Acronym (MWCA). It features loads of your favourite PnF songs, as well as some parodies of songs from Hamilton; The Music Man; Legally Blonde; Heathers; Grease; Tick Tick Boom; Dear Evan Hansen, and The Village People

Anyway, I thought you might like to join me on my ill-advised journey into the unknown.

Chapter 1 - You've Been Framed (you can should skip this one)

So firstly, I decided on a frame rate of 10fps, because I'm lazy.

At the risk of mansplaining, fps = frames per second

However, this brings its own set of problems. I first had to check how many frames the original video had, which is surprisingly easy. Check out what I found on Quora.

The next part was trickier. I needed to extract every frame from the entire video (30fps x 4:02 = 30x242=7260 frames). >Cracks Knuckles< This is going to take a while...

So I tried extracting them using a variety of methods. I won't go into it, but suffice it to say that VLC doesn't work, and the best one I can find is Online Converter - video-jpg. This took me 5 hours, and I'm telling you for free. Unfortunately, it's not as simple as that, because of course it isn't.

The first time I tried it, I very quickly learned that it can only process very short clips, so it only downloaded about 10s (I didn't actually check because I don't know how)-worth of frames. Enter Bandicam, the 5th piece of software I downloaded that day. This gave me 25 10s files.

Fortunately, I didn't need the last two videos:

If they don't show up, these two videos just have the generic blue end card from 3:49 of the original video onwards

This left another problem - all the screenshots were now numbered, which would be fine, but all the frame numbers match, which would mean 23 files in a row called 0001; 23 files called 0002; 23 files called 0003; 23 files called-

STOP - Ed.

We're now a week later, and I've just downloaded Powertoys to rename the files.


Not worth it. They'll all have to stay in separate folders.


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