Blog written by a guy in a wheelchair. I mostly do movie reviews. To learn more see
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So after a while of waiting to see if my brother would rejoin me in watching WandaVision (he stopped after Ep. 4 because it was "too Marvel"), I started watching again on my own. By this time Disney+ had forgotten that I exist, so it had lost my place and started playing episode 1 again (this is an oversimplification; it remembered which episodes I had watched but still started again on Ep. 1, possibly because when I watched it the first time I couldn't be bothered to sit through the FIFTEEN MINUTES of credits).
Anyway, I went back to the select episode screen, so the screen went black. However, the credits music kept playing and I noticed something...
The inclusion of the above clip technically makes this a Christmas post, so it goes in the Christmas playlist
But you're probably thinking "No, it's just a coincidence. It's literally two notes." And if they were pretty much any other pair of notes, I might be inclined to believe you. However, these two notes are C and C, a note combination that appears in pretty much no other song.
Anyone who's currently thinking Somewhere Over the Rainbow, congratulations, you know your music! But sadly not well enough. SOtR's first two notes are C-C, but they go up, whereas WV and S(WdIB) go down.
N.B. In case you're not aware (or haven't worked it out), 'Povenmire', who is credited on most of these clips, is the same person: Dan Povenmire, TikTok star and writer/co-creator of Phineas and Ferb.
Also check out this crossover:
Visuals/Dialogue: Phineas and Ferb: Across the 2nd Dimension - Povenmire, Marsh et al, 2011;
Music: Portals, Silvestri, 2019
Look out for another post about that video soon. No, I don't know when.
It's interesting that all of these properties (P&F, Marvel, Muppets, Pixar) are all owned by the same company, who actually have a copyright law named after their own character!
You can watch WandaVision, P&F, P&F: Across The 2nd Dimension, The Incredibles, The Muppet Christmas Carol, P&F: MissionMarvel and Avengers: Endgame on Disney+. Series 35 of Casualty is available on BBC iPlayer. Dan Povenmire is available on TikTok, Cameo and YouTube. The Wizard of Oz is available on several things, but I don't know what in the UK.
It's November, which means it’s the perfect time of year to start thinking about Christmas Quizzes (For you; I’ve been thinking about them since February). That’s right, it’s signup time once again for the annual Christmas movie quiz! This year, the theme (chosen by last year’s winner Raring to Snow ) is: When you signup, include your guess for what this means. 20 points available if you get it right! Think you can figure out which movie goes with which clue? Sign up using the following instructions: 1. S end an email to , saying you want to join the quiz. 2. Include a team name (you can also play as an individual, but you will still need to give a team name). Your team name must adhere to the following rules: a. Maximum four words long b. ...
Congratulation s ! As most of you guessed, the theme this year is pictorial clues: ( Ice PICK - TORY party - AL Gore ) Some clues are easier tha n th a t; some are harder. The clues with people in are g ener a lly people you should have hea r d of, a lthough the person in Clue 16 (23 Dece m ber) is particularly hard. So here's the rules: 1. A pictorial clue similar to the one above, but denoting the name of a Christmas movie, will be sent out via email at 11:00 every weekday (Monday-Friday) up to and including Christmas Eve. 2. You have until midnight that day to send me the correct answer. 3. Every correct answer will receive a number of points which will decrease by ten points every time (so the first correct team will receive 150 points, the second 140 and so on). Be careful though; people have been known to be very fast in figuring out the clues in past years, as the below image demonstrates: In fairness, Die Hard was pretty easy last year 4. The overall scores will be on ...
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