Congratulation s ! As most of you guessed, the theme this year is pictorial clues: ( Ice PICK - TORY party - AL Gore ) Some clues are easier tha n th a t; some are harder. The clues with people in are g ener a lly people you should have hea r d of, a lthough the person in Clue 16 (23 Dece m ber) is particularly hard. So here's the rules: 1. A pictorial clue similar to the one above, but denoting the name of a Christmas movie, will be sent out via email at 11:00 every weekday (Monday-Friday) up to and including Christmas Eve. 2. You have until midnight that day to send me the correct answer. 3. Every correct answer will receive a number of points which will decrease by ten points every time (so the first correct team will receive 150 points, the second 140 and so on). Be careful though; people have been known to be very fast in figuring out the clues in past years, as the below image demonstrates: In fairness, Die Hard was pretty easy last year 4. The overall scores will be on ...
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