Stay at the lab

 This is part of an interactive adventure. To return to the start, click here

You spent the weekend having a power nap at the lab (power nap means something different when you're literally powered by mains electricity). Therefore, it seemed almost instant when you were woken up again on Monday. Straightaway you notice something different.

"Hey, I can see again!"

You can now see four human forms, but can't properly make out any details.

"Great. How clear is it?" You recognize Jo's voice. She is nearest to you.

"Not great. I can see you all, but it's like I'm looking through frosted glass."

"Hold on; I should be able to fix that." She adjusts something just out of your field of vision, and the shapes become clearer.

"That's much better, thanks." You say.

"So have you remembered what it does yet?" Chris asks.

What do you say?

"Sorry, nothing doing."

"It was supposed to combine the DNA of Ben and Copernicus, the lab's talking cat."


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