Act II

 This is part of an interactive adventure. To return to the start, click here

"Morning!" Dan's voice startles you.

You've been dead for 70 years, you don't drink and you don't have a digestive system. How do you have a hangover?

"Not so loud please. I've got a splitting headache." Again, how?!

If Dan is confused by this response, he doesn't show it. Instead, she looks around the lab, which you just now notice is covered in party streamers and glow sticks. You also spot an empty beer bottle in one corner but decide to say nothing.

"Morning!" Chris enters the lab. How does he not have a hangover? Life isn't fair sometimes. Death isn't either.

Chris also notices the bottle and quickly disposes of it; you're pleased to discover that recycling is still a thing in 2085. You're less pleased, but unsurprised, that a brown bottle has ended up in a green glass recycling bin.

Dan acknowledges the mess first.

"What happened here? The mess screams titration at me, but when I came in the door was locked, so I don't know how someone could have got in. I mean, only you and I have got keys."

"Has Ben got a key?" Asks Chris.

"Not that I know of." Replies Jo. "Wait, COLIN's here all the time. Did you see anything?"

What do you say?

Take the blame

Throw Chris under the bus

Pretend you were asleep


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