The Best Movie? - Notes

What kind of movies do you like?



Comic Book?



Well what if I told you there was one movie that covered ALL those genres? I watched it on Saturday just gone, and here are my notes:

(Also, this movie probably has the longest IMDb trivia page of any movie ever, so a lot of the notes will be trivia related. All from memory though)

Unique logo

Sex Bob-Omb

HOW many superheroes?

Cleverly cut conversations


7-Foot light switch

The package

Musical number

Bread makes you fat?!

Universal theme

Dialup tone

I gotta pee on her

I don't know the meaning of the word

90% is curds and whey

Chicken isn't vegan?

Kick her in the balls!

Katayanagi twins


With jetpacks?


You can't cheat death

From now on you will be known as Neil

You made me swallow my gum

2 hours!

Nega Scott

I'm too cool for you


This post is to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the movie's release; but I deliberately haven't included the name, to keep you guessing until I release the proper post. Anyone who knows the movie will easily figure it out, and you can get the answer with just a little Googling


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