
Reverse Trailer Engineering

 So I had an idea. Have you ever watched a trailer and thought "I have no idea what the plot of that movie is" ? Then you watched the movie and then watched the trailer again and thought: "Oh, that makes perfect sense now. I can't believe I didn't see it before!" Or is that just me? Anyway, I thought I'd try to reverse engineer a movie from the trailer. But the question was what? I could have done a Marvel movie, but the problem with those is that they often put in fake scenes, mostly to confuse Tom Holland with what he can and can't spoil . At this point I think it would be easiest if they just wrote the movies after Tom wraps filming. A movie which is coming out this year is the newest Wallace and Gromit movie. Let's start by making this a bit easier for ourselves by using the official synopsis: "Gromit’s concern that Wallace is becoming too dependent on his inventions proves justified, when Wallace invents a “smart” gnome that seems to de

Cluedunnit? - Cluedo 2 review

I haven't seen anyone else use that pun before. Then again, I've been struggling with the internet recently, so it might be the most common word out there for all I know. DISCLAIMER: I WROTE A LOT OF THIS ON A BUS SO I APOLOGIZE FOR ANY TYPOS  As you may have gathered, I have seen the play Cluedo 2 . In order to talk about Cluedo 1  though, we first need to talk about Clue. Clue was a movie released in 1985, loosely based on the American board game Clue, which was itself based on the English board game Clue do . Clue do is a portmanteau (ooh, big word) of the word clue, referring to the murder mystery element, and Ludo, referring to the board game element. You probably already know the basic concept of the game, but just in case you don't, here it is: Dr Black has just been murdered. Players play as one of the six murder suspects, Miss Scarlett; Colonel Mustard; Mrs White; Reverend Green; Mrs Peacock and Professor Plum. Players will move around Tudor Mansion (house name cha

This story is a lot more unhinged than the ones we’re used to… Mind Mangler Review

 O nce again, I find myself reviewing another Mischief show (fun fact: this is the first time I have ever spelled Mischief correctly first time).   This time, we’re talking about Mind Mangler: Member of the Tragic Circle , a spinoff show featuring two characters from Magic Goes Wrong . These are the two characters you’ve seen in all the previews, such as Comic Relief, which actually went wrong!   Unlike my other reviews, this one will only contain spoilers for the bits unique to the show I saw, not the plot in general (although it is mostly just a series of tricks, there is an underlying story happening between the two main characters). This way, you can watch the show without it being spoiled for you.   The characters included are The Mind Mangler AKA Keith (Henry Lewis), and his stooge Clive AKA Brian AKA Stephen AKA Steven AKA Mike AKA Mickey AKA Audience Member AKA Different Audience Member AKA The Stooge (Jonathan Sayer)   Magical Glossary   Stooge (n.) - someo

mind Mangler notes

Safe  Secrets  Pencil  Lockbox  Penn and Teller? Senses IT, school teacher, indiors, Greek philosophy  No ridiculous job  Audience Member  Bonjour  Different Audience Member  Secrets: hat; druid  Hypnosis  Pleasing Fungus beetle Haagen Daas Rubik's cubes One person solved  3 not done  All birthdays 

An Election is Coming up!

 DO NOT CLICK AWAY UNTIL YOU READ THE FOURTH SENTENCE OF THIS BLOGPOST I know I have said in the past that I do not broadcast my political opinions but... There is one important thing you should do, no matter what your political views are. YOU. SHOULD. VOTE. In case you can't be bothered to read the rest of the post (and no one would blame you): Register here  (You only need to do this once; you will be automatically enrolled for future elections) Apply for a postal vote Apply for a proxy vote Check if you've already registered The UK is having a General Election on 4 July 2024 and if you want to vote in person you need to register by 18 June. You need to sign up for a postal vote (useful if your polling station is hard to find/difficult to get to) by June 19, or apply to vote via proxy by June 26. If you are over 18 (interestingly, your 18th birthday can be as late as July 4) and a UK citizen (or an Irish, EU or Commonwealth citizen with a permanent UK address), you are entitl

Scotch? - Houdini's Greatest Escape review

 DISCLAIMER: IN ORDER TO TRY TO GET THE REVIEW OUT BEFORE THE SHOW LEFT THE THEATRE, THIS BIT (UNTIL I MENTION) WAS WRITTEN BEFORE I SAW THE SHOW. IF I DIDN’T MANAGE I APOLOGISE, BUT YOU SHOULD STILL BE ABLE TO SEE THE SHOW AS THE LICHFIELD RUN WAS NEAR THE START OF THE TOUR. As you may already know, I have already seen two plays by New Old Friends,  Crimes on Centre Court and A Christmas Getaway , both at The Lichfield Garrick. Of these, I only wrote a review of ACG (Acronyms FTW!) I also mentioned my intention to see NOF’s newest play, Houdini’s Greatest Escape . This review is of HGE , and I was lucky enough to see a version of the show with a Q&A after the performance. I HAVE NOW SEEN THE SHOW Longtime readers (hello all one of you) will know that my reviews often include quite a lot of spoilers, but it has occurred to me that this post might get a little more engagement, so there are two versions of this review – This one, which contains some minor spoilers, but all out of c