
Showing posts from December, 2024

Christmas Quiz Scores 2024

 Thank you for signing up to the Christmas Quiz 2024! The scoreboard will be available on the blog throughout December and will be updated daily (usually between 5 and 6pm as I work full time). Here's how everyone is doing: Raring to Snow  - 1830 Points Katzen Patatas  - 1730 Points The Eastside Avengers  - 1410 Points Socks and Crocs  - 1280 Points Platypodes in the Snow - 1240 Points Michael BublĂ© Bath  - 808 Points New Phone, who dis? - 690 Points Central Donner & Blitzen Office  - 640 Points TMcB  - 549 Points Merry Berry and Co  - 480 Points Let it Snow - 180 Points Slight Clown - 40 Points Last updated 23 December 

Christmas Quiz 2024 Tips

Struggling with a particular clue? Here's some tips: 1. Is there a person in one of the pictures you don't recognise? Ask around, ask your friends, your family, your co-workers. Most of them are reasonably well known celebrities, so chances are someone will know. 2. I am unlikely to include words such as and, the, a, of etc, so don't bother looking for those as part of the clue. 3. Most of the pictures used will be the first one on Google, so if you think you recognise it/them, look up what you think it is and see if that picture is the word which shows up. For example, the picture I used of Al Gore in the Guess The Theme picture is just the main picture on his Wikipedia page . 4. With that said, there are some words which appear multiple times. The word Christmas appears in 6 of the answers, but I have used a different picture for each. 5. If you think you know part (or multiple parts) of the clue, but not the whole clue, use what you have and try to fit in the rest, for e...

Quiz rules

Congratulation s ! As most of you guessed, the theme this year is pictorial clues: ( Ice PICK - TORY party - AL Gore ) Some clues are easier tha n th a t; some are harder. The clues with people in are g ener a lly people you should have hea r d of, a lthough the person in Clue 16 (23 Dece m ber) is particularly hard. So here's the rules: 1. A pictorial clue similar to the one above, but denoting the name of a Christmas movie, will be sent out via email at 11:00 every weekday (Monday-Friday) up to and including Christmas Eve.  2. You have until midnight that day to send me the correct answer. 3. Every correct answer will receive a number of points which will decrease by ten points every time (so the first correct team will receive 150 points, the second 140 and so on). Be careful though; people have been known to be very fast in figuring out the clues in past years, as the below image demonstrates: In fairness, Die Hard was pretty easy last year 4. The overall scores will be on ...