The Viewies 2024
Longtime readers might remember the Viewies as the awards I give out for movies every year (I did it badly, exactly once). This is a hard reboot of the Viewies. This time, there are four major awards available (Best Original Score; Best One Liner, Best Trailer and, of course, The Dick Van Dyke award for Worst fake accent). All other awards are very specific so no other movie would have a chance of beating them. Every movie is capable of winning one. So what are the rules? 1. I have watched it between 1 January and 31 December 2024 2. The movie does not have to be released during that time 3. I have to be watching it for the first time during that period 4. For Best Trailer, the quality of the movie itself is irrelevant and I only have to see the trailer for the first time during the year 5. ALL movies must win at least one award 6. The four major awards are attainable by any movie and the winner will be crowned in January 2025 The original awards: Shortest Training Montage: ...