WARNING: THIS POST IS A BIT OF A SLOG. IT CLOCKS IN AT OVER 7000 WORDS IN TOTAL SO IF YOU JUST WANT MY REVIEW OF Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: The Musical, I RECOMMEND YOU STOP BEFORE THE WONKA’S PLAN HEADING. IF YOU JUST WANT TO READ MY CONSPIRACY THEORY, SKIP TO THE WONKA’S PLAN HEADING. Here's a fun conversation that never happened, based (very) loosely on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: The Musical . We join the action just as Wonka opens his factory, at the start of the number It Must be Believed to be Seen : Wonka: Beyond this door is porridge, begat from just an oat… Grandpa Joe: Wait, what? W: Porridge. Behind this door. J: Are you sure? This is the Golden Ticket competition? W: Yes. Why, what were you expecting? J: Chocolate! W: Oh, you’re the entourage for the chocolate factory tour? Joe/Charlie/Veruca/Violet/Augustus/Mike/Parents/Reporters/Citizens: Yes! W: Ah, no, that’s two doors down. You want my brother Willy. I’m Derek Wonka. I tho...