Christmas Quiz Rules 2019
Thanks for entering! As you will now have gathered, the theme this year is ANAGRAMS. Every day you will be sent a clue at (hopefully) 11AM GMT which is an anagram of a Christmas movie. They start easy but they do get harder as the quiz goes on. The hardest clue is Trim a beach car’s soil bar That clue was given out early due to the obscurity of the movie. It is currently worth 50 points to the first person who gets it and the points will decrease by 10 every week. 20 points will go to the first person to answer each question correctly, with the second receiving 10 points and the third receiving 5 points. If no one has answered correctly by 4PM GMT, I will release another clue which will be another anagram of the same movie. Some of the movie titles contain numbers (but they're not all sequels, what's that about?) Obviously, numbers do not work as anagrams, so they will be in written form, ie 2 will be written as TWO etc. Clues do not always match up (tr...