If you don't know what Speechless is, check out my overall review . Full transcript available here , although it doesn't split up who says what. I'm not sure exactly how long this episode had to be made, but by my calculations, the series cancellation was after the final episode of Series 3 aired (sources: IMDb and contacting Kyla Kenedy (Dylan) on May 10 ). This is very weird because the final episode seemed to finish the story quite well. Series 3 has been heavily focused on JJ getting ready for college (British translation: University). He originally wanted to go to NYU (The U stands for University! Why do they call it college?!), but JJ has a girlfriend, Izzy (played by Kayla Maisonet , who looks about 15 but is in fact nearly 20! (Kayla, if you ever read this, please don't take offense. If it's any consolation, my brother thinks you look 25)). The other series have ended on (sort of) cliffhangers, with S1 ending with JJ going to summer camp (in S2 wil...